

it's subreality here.
waking up to find a half read and a photograph of a bike under an explorer.
hands shake as the news comes in that he was a friend.
kareoke with the girls. payday dine outs. michelle's secret cuddle. disney. the tall guy in the superman shirt. saturday i didn't see it. sunday it was tagged along with another article. monday they wouldn't let it go. tuesday came and it whispered along another. most of his friends from work went to the funeral. but i could not leave due to position and meetings set for the day. but wednesday was the worst. a friend had the front page news and was upset that this photo had once again graced its pages. it took up nearly half the sheet of news.
i can't really write about it yet.
there is so much to say, but mostly i think those things will stay in my head, and in the low words spoken over coffee with our group of coworkers and friends that knew him.

the first story can be found here.

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